The world is using more Smartphones than personal computers and soon (not too soon) personal computers will become the relics of the past. Thanks to responsive web design, now websites can be viewed and are easily accessible on mobiles anywhere and anytime. But with hundreds and thousands of websites going mobile every day, the standards are getting higher and higher.
The first thing that you need to take into consideration is, the load time of your mobile site. One thing that majority of mobile web developers doesn’t take into account is the load time of the mobile websites. A public survey shows that 74% of the users will close the website and bounce away after waiting for just 5 seconds for the mobile website to load on their gadget, where as an average m-commerce site takes nearly 9.86 seconds to completely load. Just imagine the advantage it would give your mobile web over others. So ask your mobile web developer to keep that point in mind when you ask him to make a mobile web for you.
The next aspect that needs your attention is to know the answer to this question, what are mobile users doing online? What kind of mobile websites users visit? Knowing this will help you in creating the website that people actually want to visit. A staggering 490 million people worldwide will be making online payments in the form of mobile ticketing and mobile coupons and these numbers are likely to reach 788 million by the year 2015, which was only 14 million in the year 2010. So making an online mobile payment portal is going to be a profitable idea. If not, then you can go for a mobile shopping portal, because 4 out of 5 Americans that own Smartphones like to shop online through mobile shopping carts.
The growth of mobile e-commerce is expected to reach the $31 billion mark by the year 2016, and if you want to take some piece of that enormous pie, you need to develop a fully efficient mobile website through responsive web designing.
ColorCuboid as a leading web design & mobile app development company offers complete mobile web design and development solution to clients across the globe. Contact us today!